Hodgkin's lymphoma

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A cancer that starts in the lymphocytes of the immune system.


Most common in early twenties, or mid fifties males.


B cells go crazy, and start to overproduce. As this goes on, soon they begin to take over the lymph node, and spread along the lymph system to the next one, eventually going systemic. Reed-Sternberg cells are seen on histological examination.

Risk Factors

Clinical Features

  • Painless enlarged lymph node - this is the most common presentation.
  • Night sweats - always be worried if you see this one!
  • Weight loss
  • Itch
  • Fatigue


Do a lymph node biopsy. If it looks crazy, its probably lymphoma


In early staging, you can do chemo/radiotherapy in order to deal with the cancer.

If the cancer is more widespread, chemotherapy is the only option. They usually use a mix of Doxorubicin, Bleomycin, Vinblastine and Dacarbazine for around 6 months. Good luck remembering that!


It's probably the cancer you want to get. If you have early staging (only one or two lymph nodes), you can expect upto a 98% cure rate! Even with more extensive disease, it can be around 80%.