Testicular problems

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Having three balls would be a very worrying testicular problem.


Problems with the testicles (referred to as "balls" herein).


Common.jpg Generally quite common, but rather rare in women.


Two main types of problem:

  • Pain - hurting balls.
  • Swelling - massive balls.

Clinical and Associated Features


Medical Emergency - Testicular torsion is a surgical emergency! It needs prompt treatment, and usually the ball in question can be saved.

Sometimes the testicular pain can present as generalised abdominal pain, or even just as indigestion.

Differential Diagnosis

Tortion of the testis Trauma to testis Epididymo-orchitis (bacterial, viral) Referred pain from renal colic Inguinal hernias Hydrocoele Epididymo-orchitis (bacterial, viral) Incompletely descended testis Tesicular trauma (e.g. haematoma) Varicoele Epididymal cyst Testicular tumours Incomplete descent of testis Torsion of testis

