Benign cervical conditions

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The columnar epithelial cells of the endocervix (i.e. the canal) are visible around the external os. They look red. It is common and normal, especially in women who are pregnant or on the Pill. Normally asymptomatic, this occasionally causes postcoital bleeding.


This redness is similar to that of cervical ectopy but the redness is more irregular. It is usually due to minor lacerations during childbirth. Like ectopy, this is normally asymptomatic but can be a cause of postcoital bleeding. A smear and, preferably colposcopy are done in order to exclude carcinoma. The treatment of choice is cryotherapy (freezing).


This can be acute or chronic. Acute cervicitis is infection of the cervix. Chronic is the result of inflammation or infection of ectopy or an ectropion.