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If you get stuck with any of the terms used here see our neuroglossary page

Organisation and Structure

Neuroanatomy is very complex, but it can be an interesting topic. We are going to try to cover it in a basic but comprehensive way, so you know what's going on, even if you might not be at brain surgery level yet...



  • neurones
  • astrocytes
  • oligodendrocytes
  • ependymal cells
  • microglia
  • Schwann cells

Central nervous system:

Peripheral nervous system:

Autonomic nervous system:


The Rest:


The nervous system is quite useful. If I had to choose between having a brain or having a spleen, it would not be a decision that would take me very long. However, understanding how it works is not fun. Learn about sympathetic and parasympathetic pathways. I assume there will be more to write in this section soon.


For more on neurological disorders, check the Neurology page.