Revision tips

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Good Revision

You will not learn everything!

There is too much. Use each of these topics to familiarise yourself on the basics, read Underwood's Pathology, Wikipedia or Kumar and Clark on anything you are unsure on. It is better to have a vague understanding of everything than to know the exact route of supply for the inferior laryngeal artery, but never have heard of cancer.

Do practice questions

If you go into the exam having got 80% on every single formative test the day before, you are almost guaranteed a pass. Make sure you learn briefly WHY the answer is right on each one.

Check out lecture slides online

Do not try to do this in every area, the day before the exam - it would take too long. In subjects you are unsure of, read the lectures, and that will give you an idea of the depth you need to know.

Test your friends

Ask your mates things, test them - and don't be superior when you know more than them! Help each other. I find talking to my girlfriend (a non medic) useful, as I have to really know a process to explain it to her. She finds it boring, but that's her problem!

If you are completely freaking out, some tips

Number 1

%red%Don't be scared%% - you passed your A Levels, you may well have passed this course last year: whatever year you are in, you wouldn't be here if you didn't have the brains, so realistically you should be fine.

Number 2

%blue%Get sleep%%. Staying up all night drinking coffee will not help stress levels. Aim for 8 hours

Number 3

%green%Take a break every hour%%. Even if it is just sitting in the back garden for 5 minutes with a cup of tea, rest your mind.

Number 4

%blue%Eat well%% - don't snack on rubbish. Eat fruit and veg and have enough water.

Number 5

%purple%Don't suffer alone%%. If you are about to burst, talk to someone. Phone home, text your friends - tell someone you are scared. If you want to talk to an anonymous caring trained listener, phone Nightline on 0114 2228787