Foetal and Maternal Screening Case Study

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Patient Case

Mrs Checker is 39-years and in her 1st pregnancy. She is presenting at the hospital antenatal booking clinic at 10 weeks gestation. She wants to know about antenatal screening tests for maternal and fetal problems: what tests are offered, the conditions screened for, and what risks if any are associated with these tests. She is particularly worried about the chance of her baby having Downs syndrome and the risk of miscarriage if she opts for amniocentesis.

Common questions

Enumerate the maternal and fetal conditions for which antenatal screening is offered, and their consequences.

List the methods and timing of antenatal screening for individual maternal and fetal conditions.

Understand the variation in Downs syndrome risk with maternal age and previous history, and the screening and diagnostic methods for Downs syndrome during pregnancy.

Understand the clinical, legal, and ethical issues governing pregnancy termination in the UK.