Main Page

From MedRevise
Revision as of 11:49, 18 June 2008 by Admin (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to the MedRevise

We have finished our move over from the old site, and we are enjoying the feast of medical knowledge available on the site. Be aware, as ever, that this is a work in progress, and a lot of stuff isn't finished yet...


This is the easiest way to use the site - just type into the search box at the top any topic you want!



The site is split into 3 main sections, which can be navigated using the menu on the left.

Anatomy & Physiology

Here all the basics of what the body is and how it works are covered, from the respiratory system, to how blood is pumped around the body in the cardiovascular section. Digestion and other topics are covered in the GI section, along with details of organs such as the stomach and the liver.

We also have loads on sex and the genitourinary system, a basic introduction into neuroscience and the musculoskeletal system. Endocrinology and the working of the immune response are explained, and there's always learning to be done about sight and other loose ends

Clinical Skills

This is the practical section, with tips, tools and videos! Learn to take a good history, or how to examine a body part or structure.


As you can see on the left, an exhaustive list of specialities exist. These contain information on the kinds of diseases that tend to

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